Labradorite Wrap with Aventurine Beads

Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$45.00

~Labradorite is beneficial for: witness during radionic treatment, aligning physical and etheric bodies, PMS, removing warts (tape and leave in place), vitality, originality, patience, eyes, brain, stress, regulating metabolism, colds, gout, rheumatism, hormones, and blood pressure.

~Labradorite is a stone of transformation. It prepares body and soul for the Ascension process. Raises consciousness and deflects unwanted energies from the aura, preventing energy leakage. It helps banish fears and insecurities and the psychic debris from previous disappointments, strengthening trust in the universe. With Labradorite, analysis and rationality are balanced with inner sight. It is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.

~Red Aventurine is beneficial for: reproductive system, balancing male-female energy, prosperity, irritation, leadership, decisiveness, creativity, stuttering, severe neurosis, thymus gland, metabolism, cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, allergies, adrenals, muscular system.

It is helpful for genital or reproductive diseases, including cancer. It counterbalances an excess of air in an astrological chart.

~Aventurine is beneficial for: balancing male-female energy, prosperity, leadership, decisiveness, compassion, empathy, irritation, creativity, stuttering, severe neurosis, thymus gland, connective tissue, nervous system, blood pressure, metabolism, cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, anti-inflammatory, skin eruptions, allergies, migraine headaches, eyes, adrenals, lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems.

~A very positive stone, Aventurine is used to grid gardens or houses against geopathic stress. Wearing Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution. This stone guards against metaphysical vampirism of heart energy and brings together the intellectual and emotional bodies. Aventurine stabilizes one's state of mind, recognizing alternatives and possibilities. It aids emotional recovery and enables living within one's own heart. Aventurine regulates growth from birth to seven years.

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